There are numerous hackers on the Dark Web that offer hacking services in addition to having discussion boards where you may find out all there is to know about hacking. This is where you may acquire a service that will have a specific result.

Here are a few of the most popular services available:

#1 – Hacking Facebook Accounts

The ability to hack someone’s Facebook account is one of the most popular tools on the Dark Web. Of course, flaws here may be fixed, and the tool may be updated frequently, so it’s difficult to know how effective it is.

However, there are several persons who say it’s possible to purchase three months of access for less than $20. Another service claims to be able to hack into a user’s account for around $350 per account.

#2 – Get Taught How to Hack

This is another one of the most popular hacking services, and it’s educating others how to hack. Genuine lessons appear to start at around $20 and may be taught in a variety of ways, from DDOSing a server to cracking passwords using different tools.

#3 – On-Demand Website Hacking

You can get a website for any purpose on the Dark Web, even one that has been taken down for whatever reason. You may buy this online via the Dark Web if you need a website of any kind, whether it’s a WordPress site, a self-hosted website, or even a small business. The cost varies, but it is usually around $2,000.

#4 – Hacking an Email Account

If you need access to your own email, perhaps you forgot your password or want access to someone else’s email for whatever reason and don’t want to go through the trouble of guessing it yourself, paying a hacker is probably the best option.

The service was completed for $100 in a public bid. However, there are numerous claims that this is not a genuine service and that it has several technical difficulties, especially with such a low price. The real cost will likely be closer to $500

#5 – Netflix Account Hacking

This is a very popular hacking service, and it may be obtained from any hacking-based website for a price. Simply pay a fee of $2.50 or less, and you’ll have access to someone’s Netflix account email address and password. It’s not like Netflix is that expensive though, and it is easy to just ask a friend for their account info to share.