What are computer hackers like? We’ve all seen movies about hired hackers who effortlessly and dispassionately crack secure firewalls and databases in seconds, but we know better than to believe sensationalized accounts. So what kind of personality traits do the best computer hackers have?

Hacking is the art of finding solutions to problems in unconventional ways. The term is often misunderstood as a synonym for cybercrime, but it’s actually a skill set that can be applied to many professions. Hacking involves finding creative solutions for problems rather than going about them in the conventional manner. This includes learning how to break into systems and bypass security measures, but it also includes breaking down complex ideas into simple ones so others can understand them better as well as learning new skills like programming or computer repair.

The most recent type of hacking mayhem, according to this news article, comes in the form of fake video downloads that are really just a way to install malware on computer devices.

A computer hacker is someone who use technical knowledge to obtain illegal access to computer systems, networks, or personal devices. Many hackers are motivated to study and explore, typically by intellectual curiosity and the joy of discovering and exploiting weaknesses. They may also be driven by a desire for power and control, as well as a desire to cause disturbance or profit. Hackers are adept problem solvers who may be more at ease and confident engaging with technology than humans. They may also be perceived by society as rebellious or nonconformist. Not all hackers, however, participate in unlawful or destructive actions, and others may utilize their expertise for constructive causes such as discovering and disclosing flaws.

Puzzles, Challenges, and Problem-Solving

To be a hacker, you need to be interested in solving problems. This is probably the most important trait of a hacker. A hacker loves to learn new things and figure out how things work. Hackers will often spend hours trying to solve a difficult problem or looking for vulnerabilities in computer systems just because they love solving puzzles and challenges. Many people think that this is part of what makes hackers great at what they do: they have this incredible ability to focus on something long enough that they eventually find some answer or solution no matter how obscure it may seem.

Intellectual Curiosity

Hackers are intellectually curious and want to learn new things. While some hackers may be content with mastering a few programming languages or other skills, others are constantly striving to expand their knowledge base so they can tackle new challenges.

One thing that many hackers have in common is that they enjoy solving problems. Hackers like challenges and will usually set out on a quest for knowledge once they’ve identified something that interests them.

The best hackers have a lot of intellectual curiosity. Hackers want to learn about how things work, especially if it’s something technical or scientific. They’re often interested in learning new languages, tools and technologies too!


Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. In one sense, intelligence is referred to as the ability to think logically, solve problems, plan, understand abstract ideas, comprehend complex ideas and learn quickly.

While some people think of intelligence in terms of IQ score (a measure of reasoning or cognitive skills), others use the term more broadly to describe a wide range of abilities related to thinking that include problem solving; learning from experience; abstract thinking; self-awareness; emotional awareness; empathy (the ability to understand how another person feels); appreciating humor; recognizing patterns etc.


Being an introvert is not the same as being shy. A hacker may be socially awkward, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re shy.

A hacker is more interested in ideas than people—they might even prefer to work alone rather than in a team. They’re not antisocial, but they do tend to be more reserved compared to extroverts and can often feel awkward or uncomfortable with large groups of people.


Rebellion: Hacking is a rebellious activity. Hackers are not afraid to break the rules, or even the law. It’s also common for hackers to be different from their peers because of their daring nature and willingness to test boundaries. While this can make them seem like troublemakers, it’s important not to lump all hackers into one category because they are actually very diverse in how they choose to express their rebellion.

Desire to be autonomous, independent and self-reliant

The hacker needs to be autonomous and independent. They will work better if they can make their own decisions and solve problems on their own rather than relying on others to do it for them.

Hackers also like being able to work alone, without having someone looking over their shoulder all the time telling them what to do next or questioning the quality of their work.

Preference for positive reinforcement or rewards over negative punishment or consequences.

The desire to learn and master skills and the pursuit of expertise and mastery. (See also drive for mastery below.)

Hackers are obsessed with mastery. Mastery is the desire to be better than you are now, and it’s driven by a drive for self-improvement. People who want to master something want to be better than their previous selves, just like they want to improve their relationships and their health. They know that there’s always room for improvement—and they love that challenge!

There are three aspects of being a hacker: drive for mastery (the desire to become an expert at something), need for autonomy (a desire for control over one’s life), and a proclivity toward open systems thinking (a belief that knowledge should be freely available). This list may seem pretty self-explanatory, but let me explain each part in detail so there’s no confusion:

A willful disregard for social norms.

This includes a disregard for laws if they do not have a clear purpose to be in place. Hackers have been known to break laws because of their self-proclaimed social responsibility as ethical hackers. Ethical hackers are concerned with cyber security and protecting people from invasion of privacy, identity theft and fraud, etc.

A hacker is someone who breaks into computer systems to access information without authorization.

A hacker doesn’t have to be a criminal, but he or she often is. Hackers can be malicious and create malware or viruses that infect you with an intent of making money from you in some way (phishing). However, not all hackers are malicious; there are also white hat hackers who aim to protect people from cyber threats both known and unknown. A white hat hacker seeks out vulnerabilities in software and networks so they can be fixed before they’re exploited by cyber criminals.

A good example of the difference between black hats and white hats can be seen on television shows like Mr Robot where Elliot Alderson (the main character) goes through his daily routine as an anti-social hacker who defends victims from being attacked by black hats while simultaneously working for E Corp himself as a blackhat.


These are the personality traits of a hacker and it is important to know them. Hacking is not just about computers, but also about people and how they think. Knowing these traits will help you become more aware of your own behaviors, as well as others around us who may be hacking our information!